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“This, Madame, is Versailles” 

This montage is only one example of Marie Antoinette (2005)’s affirmation of the intellectual and moral superiority, strength and gloriousness of Rococo France’s imperial power and imperial and colonial activities – but, director Sofia Coppola does not present only this reading.

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notes on phantoms by marianas trench

The plot of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Eleonora” follows the mythological structure of the hero’s course as laid out by Campbell in the section “I. Myth and Dream”. Poe’s narrator has the making of Campbell’s hero (he is “singlehearted, courageous, and full of faith that the truth” (18) about love shall set humanity free), but he has to submit to some truth in order to become one. 

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“a groupie is someone who loves the music, someone who is there because they can really relate to the music. It’s not someone who just sleeps with a guy because he’s in a band…”

Historically, as a teenage girl who felt embodied and empowered by the figure of the “groupie”, she has been that whom I have on the one hand, held intimate, close to my heart, and on the other, elevated onto a pedestal. That this is not an alternative but an oppositional understanding, I recognize.

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An All-American Sweetheart, Cheesecake, Girl-Next-Door: Marilyn Monroe As the Hollywood Role Model Of 1950s Femininity

This primary research paper understands how Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jean Baker), upon her arrival to Hollywood, gave Hollywood's players a role model of 1950s femininity. The films which Monroe starred were teaching mediums of appropriate gender roles in the 1950s first, for boys and men at the turn of the decade, and secondly for girls and women, from 1951 and forwards during the decade. The representation of her self and her personal life and the choices of what the Hollywood industry and its fan presses placed Monroe into played a hand-in-hand role in this objective with her film materials.


“I hate it here. I hate everyone.” / “If you love someone, you should never hurt them.”: “Sad Girls’” Idolization of American Horror Story’s Tate Langdon

This paper inquires why Langdon was interpreted by his fan community on Tumblr as a “twisted dream boy”; where McMurdo takes a critical perspective on this fan community this paper attempts to reason why Tate was embraced as a romantic figure as well as what drew fans to perceive the character as an innocent “dream boy.” Fan-identification with Violet Harmon and ‘Murder House’s’ creators’ characterization of Tate as a morally good young person that was driven to violence by external factors are suggested as why his Tumblr fan community overlooked the fact that he was guilty of mass-killing.

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on form, adaptation / translation, and the woman and child Jewish immigrant identities in america in the first half of the 1900s

According to W.E.B. DuBois, the art created by white artists is deliberately or unintentionally propaganda of the beliefs on race and assimilation that is representative of the Western nation’s that they belong to. Thus, the art created by non-white individuals can function as propaganda to advocate for their beliefs and those from the cultures that they belong to on race (“Criteria of Negro Art” section 38). 

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Welcome to the rhinestone battalion, <3!

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